How can I get access to the controller and the NodeAgent logs and status?

Thundernetes controller Pod and NodeAgent Pods are installed in the thundernetes-system namespace by default.

  • You can see the status of the controller Deployment with kubectl get deploy -n thundernetes-system thundernetes-controller-manager. This will give you a result like:
NAME                              READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
thundernetes-controller-manager   1/1     1            1           2h
  • To get the controller Pod logs, you need to find the Pod name. Run kubectl get pods -n thundernetes-system and look for the name of the controller Pod. It should be something like thundernetes-controller-manager-774c99cd4-6tq8w. Then you can do kubectl logs -n thundernetes-system thundernetes-controller-manager-774c99cd4-6tq8w to see the controller logs.
  • To see the NodeAgent status you can run kubectl get ds -n thundernetes-system, since NodeAgent is installed as a Kubernetes DaemonSet. You will see an output similar to this:
thundernetes-nodeagent   3         3         3       3            3           <none>          2h
  • To see the logs for a NodeAgent Pod, you need to find the Pod name. Run kubectl get pods -n thundernetes-system and look for the name of the NodeAgent Pod. It should be something like thundernetes-nodeagent-4fdb9. Then you can do kubectl logs -n thundernetes-system thundernetes-nodeagent-4fdb9 to see the NodeAgent logs.
  • If you want to see the logs for a NodeAgent in a particular Node (e.g. if you need to debug communication between the NodeAgent and a GameServer Pod), you need to first find out the Node name.
    • Run kubectl get pods -owide so you can see the Node name that the Pod you want to debug is running on.
    • Run kubectl get pods -n thundernetes-system -owide so you can see the Node name along with all the NodeAgent Pods.
    • As soon as you find out the NodeAgent Pod you want to get its logs, you can run kubectl logs -n thundernetes-system thundernetes-nodeagent-XXXXX to get this NodeAgent Pod logs.