Uninstalling Thundernetes

You should first remove all your GameServerBuilds. This will remove all GameServers and the corresponding Pods.

kubectl delete gsb --all -A # this will delete all GameServerBuilds from all namespaces, which in turn will delete all GameServers
kubectl get gs -A # verify that there are no GameServers in all namespaces
kubectl delete ns thundernetes-system # delete the namespace with all thundernetes resources
# delete RBAC resources. You might need to add namespaces for the service account and the role binding
kubectl delete clusterrole thundernetes-proxy-role thundernetes-metrics-reader thundernetes-manager-role thundernetes-gameserver-editor-role
kubectl delete serviceaccount thundernetes-gameserver-editor
kubectl delete clusterrolebinding thundernetes-manager-rolebinding thundernetes-proxy-rolebinding
kubectl delete rolebinding thundernetes-gameserver-editor-rolebinding

If you don’t need cert-manager any more, you can remove it as well.