Intelligent scaling

Thundernetes offers a dynamic standby forecaster that will automatically scale the size of the standby pool to meet projected utilization needs. Utilization data is gathered from a Prometheus data source, utilizing a configured query to return time series data.

Status: Alpha - This component is still being developed and may change drastically in design. Do not use for production scenarios.

Prediction is implemented using linear regression and Holt-Winters methods. The algorithm takes the top value predicted by the algorithms and sets the standingBy accordingly. It is the user’s responsibility to set the max with a proper value.

You can use the forecaster immediately with Thundernetes. Until it has 2 “seasons” worth of data, the Holt-Winters calculation will not work effectively, but the linear regression forecasters will work just fine.

Installation & Setup

You can see an example set of settings with the sample forecaster.yaml file.

Installing the forecaster is directly done by defining and applying a kubernetes spec file, similar to our sample. However there will be a number of important settings to change in the configuration.

Configuration settings

The preferred way to configure the forecaster is to create a ConfigMap as the sample above does and mount that as a file within the application pod. Within this YAML file a number of settings can be defined:

Setting NameDefault ValueDescription
targetGameServerBuildName””The GameServerBuild this forecaster should manage the standby pool of.
targetGameServerBuildNamespacedefaultThe namespace of where the GameServerBuild resides.
queryUrl"http://localhost:9090"The location of the Prometheus instance used to gather telemetry from.
metricQuery””The PromQL query to execute in order to determine server utilization as a single time series.
historicalQueryRange6hThe time range used when querying Prometheus data to build historical trends.
datapointGranularity1mTime range of each data point returned by Prometheus.
seasonLength1440The number of datapoints which represent a full “season” of data. For game servers this is usually 1 day, so 1440 minutes. The size of each data point is affected by the datapointGranularity setting.
forecastedPoints30The number of data points to forecast into the future based on existing data. A value of 30 with a 1m granularity will result in forecasts for 30min into the future. The size of each data point is affected by the datapointGranularity setting.

Example configuration:

  targetGameServerBuildName: "gameserverbuild-sample-netcore"
  targetGameServerBuildNamespace: "default"
  queryUrl: "http://prometheus-operated.monitoring:9090"
  metricQuery: "sum(simulated_instances)"
  historicalQueryRange: 6h
  datapointGranularity: 1m    
  seasonLength: 60
  forecastedPoints: 10
    runInCluster: true

Server load simulation

We have developed a server load simulation component that will dynamically emit metrics with simulated load data, which can be used to test the forecaster. You can use this YAML to install the simulator. This YAML file installs:

  • a Kubernetes Deployment for the simulator
  • a Kubernetes Service that points to the Prometheus endpoint of the simulator
  • a ServiceMonitor that points to the Service

The simulator has some command line arguments that can be customized:

Setting NameDefault ValueDescription
maxValue100Maximum value of the load.
frequencytime.HourForecastFrequency of the load.
jitter0.15Jitter of the load.
port8080Port to listen on (for the Prometheus metrics).