Game server logging

Thundernetes does not do anything special to obtain the logs for your GameServer Pods, since there already are a lot of existing solutions in the Kubernetes ecosystem. One easy way to accomplish this is to use Fluent Bit to capture logs and send them to Azure Blob Storage or on a Storage provide of your choice. Fluent Bit supports multiple output providers, you can can see them here.

You can use the following steps to setup Fluent Bit to capture logs from your GameServer Pods and send them to Azure Storage:

  • Set up an Azure Storage Account. Check here on how to do it using the Azure Portal.
  • As soon as you create the namespace and roles/role bindings, you should create the Fluent Bit ConfigMap containing the Fluent Bit configuration file. You can see a sample here, these samples assume you created a namespace called logging. Remember to replace the values with your Azure Storage Account name and key.
  • Finally, you should create the Fluent Bit DaemonSet, so a Fluent Bit Pod runs on every Node in your cluster and grabs the logs. You can find a sample here. You can also follow their official installation guide, but you will have to edit their Helm Chart values to the ones in our config map.

From now on, the logs from all your pods, including your game servers, will start being uploaded to your Azure Storage Account. Try creating a Game Server Build and allocating a Game Server.