Running docs locally

We use GitHub Pages to host Thundernetes documentation. To preview your changes locally:

  • WSL is recommended
  • Follow the instructions here. Specifically, install Ruby and Bundler. Jekyll needs to be installed as well but it’s already in the Gemfile so it should be installed automatically.
  • Switch to the docs directory
  • Run bundle install to install the necessary prerequisites
  • Run bundle exec jekyll serve --config _config-development.yml
  • Browse the site on http://localhost:4000/thundernetes

Alternatively, you can use this container image with a command similar to the following, once you are in the docs directory:

docker run -p 4000:4000 --env JEKYLL_ENV=production --rm -v $(pwd):/site bretfisher/jekyll-serve bundle exec jekyll serve --force-polling --config _config-development.yml --host