Integrating GSDK with C++/C#/Java/Go

You can find the GSDK libraries for each language here:


In all these programming languages, you need to include the GSDK libraries in your project and call the Start() and ReadyForPlayers() methods. Start will signal to Thundernetes that the game server is initializing whereas ReadyForPlayers will signal that the game server is ready for players to connect.

Testing with LocalMultiplayerAgent

You can use LocalMultiplayerAgent to test your GSDK integration of your game server before uploading to Thundernetes.

Other GSDK methods and callbacks

There are some other GSDK methods you can use from your game server process:

  • GetGameServerConnectionInfo: Returns the connection information for the GameServer. Usually, it should be the port that you have already defined in your Pod specification. It is required use this method if you want to use the hostNetwork option.
  • GetInitialPlayers: Returns the IDs of the players that are expected to connect to the GameServer when it starts. It is set during the call to the allocation service API.
  • UpdateConnectedPlayers: It updates the currently connected players to the GameServer. On the backend, Thundernetes updates the GameServerDetail Custom Resource with the new number and IDs of connected players.
  • GetConfigSettings: Returns the current configuration settings for the GameServer. You can retrieve the associated GameServerBuild metadata with this method.
  • GetLogsDirectory: Returns the path to the directory for the GameServer logs. It is recommended to just send the logs to standard output/standard error streams, where you can use a Kubernetes-native logging solution to grab them.
  • LogMessage: Writes an entry to the log file. As mentioned, it is recommended to send your logs to standard output/standard error streams
  • GetSharedContentDirectory: Not used in Thundernetes
  • RegisterMaintenanceCallback (name might be slightly different depending on your environment): Used to determine the Health status of the GameServer
  • RegisterMaintenanceCallback (name might be slightly different depending on your environment): Not used in Thundernetes
  • RegisterShutdownCallback (name might be slightly different depending on your environment): Not used in Thundernetes